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You should be coming here from The Word of God.
Our books consistently maintain 4-star and better ratings despite the occasional 1- and 2-star ratings from people angry because we have no respect for sacred cows.
This page is to facilitate discussion and to answer questions concerning the things I teach on that page. I littered that page with quotes from the early Christian writings, and I added a page to handle objections. All of this was done because this very, very important teaching does fly in the face of fundamentalist traditions.
This teaching on the Word of God is very important because it is so practical.
My father-in-law told me once that for most of us, the best way to evangelize is to get up each day and seek God. When we pray for people, we should keep our heart open in case God gives us anything to say to them. If he gives us something, we need to be careful to say it.
My father-in-law is not a charismatic or pentecostal. He is simply a man trying to follow Jesus Christ the best way he knows how. But he knows that the Word of God is more than the Bible, and he knows that if we're going to make an impact on the world in the 21st century, then we are going to need more than the Bible—we're going to need the Spirit and the Word of God, in all its forms.
I'm pretty sure my father-in-law would object to the wording I'm using on this page. He tends to leave the sacred cows alone. His advice for evangelism, however, is a perfect example of why this teaching is so important.
I've been through evangelism classes. They're missing the point, which is why they're so ineffective. The Gospel is not a plan; it's a Man.
An outline will never get you through to someone when God wants you to tell them to throw their net on the other side of the boat.
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